In my last post I talked about some of the things I was doing with my kids for our fairy tale themed Camp Read-a-Lot. Well it was awesome and we had so much fun the whole week. Boy were we all ready for spring break when it was all over though. It was great seeing the boys in the class (all 21 out of 31 for the 2nd grade) groan when we talked about fairy tales get excited the minute I read about the giant trying to eat little kids in Jack and the Beanstalk. We spent A LOT of time talking about how it was fantasy:)
- We made toilet paper tube dragons which you can find here
- We made wolf and pig paper bag puppets which you can find Pig here and Wolf Here
- Listened to fairy tales online here
- We also ordered the events in Hansel and Gretel using these sequence strips. We colored a picture of a gingerbread house and they glued them onto construction paper.
- We wrote Fairy Tale Acrostic Poems
- Finally we read my FAVORITE fairy tale the Three Pigs and the True Story of the Three Pigs. The kids compared and contrasted their stories. They then had to decided if they believed the wolf or the pig's version of the story. I wish I had saved one of their papers because the reasons they gave for believe the pigs or wolf were too cute.
Class Completed Venn Diagram
(The kids were very excited to write on the Eno board!)