Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Contraction Foldable

I have a confession....I was thinking about deleting my blog.  I don't have many views or followers and I feel like none of my ideas are original.  FOr those of you checking in you can thank my classroom aid for my continuing on.  She pointed out all the new ideas that I had come up with lately and even started to yell at me to take pictures!!  I don't know what I will do next year without her (the student she works with is going to 4th and I am staying 2/3 :( tear)

Anyways,  we have our big grammar District Assessment coming up.  So in order to review the kids have been doing some fun projects!

First we read these two fabulous books!

Then after I introduced our spelling words for the week the kids made these cute foldable to help them study.  I love how marconi can be an apostrophe, commas, or quotation marks.  Its just so versatile.

This is the front view.  The kids had to do each of our spelling words

This is the inside view (along with a shot of my VERY messy desk)

 More Projects to come in the next few days.  If you have any foldable ideas please share them by leaving a comment.  Don't forget to follow me!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your macaroni apostrophes! Actually plan to them w/ adult ESL students.
