Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hear that sound?  Its the sound of 28 silent students while they take their end of the year computerized grade level test.  I Hate getting set up for this test but the day I give it to the 3rd graders is so peaceful...the same does not go for the 2nd.

Anyways,  I'm going to share another grammar review project we did!  PRONOUNS!!!
First,  because I'm the reading teacher for our team and I love a good book we read this book about pronouns

I love this series and the kids think they are funny.
Another book I found that would be good for this lesson is 

Then we made a pronoun bubble map, which I forgot to take a picture of.
Then I found this really cute pronoun pizza project from Christy at Teaching In Flip Flops.  She has the templet for sale in her store.  It is so worth it.
Here are some pictures of the finished project.

My favorite is the onion pizza to the right of the sign.  He is a vegetarian.


  1. What a cute idea. Thanks for sharing. Teaching with literature is one of my passions.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, I followed your blog! Reading a book before a lesson just seems to calm the kids down so much and get their brains working.
